Our sweet Sophie turned seven this March and we celebrated by having a birthday tea party (March 15th, a week before her birthday)...with REAL tea, of course! The girls were asked to come dressed as their favorite character from a book. Sophie dressed as "Kit" and Annie "Samantha" from the American Girl books. We had a Maid Marion, Mulan, Two Mollys, and various other memorable impersonations. Here are some memories of the day...
The birthday girl and her adoring sister.
The theory goes that with each birthday year, you invite the number of guests that corresponds with the number of years! Yeah, right. In our close-knit community, the theme is "the more, the merrier" and us moms just hang on for the ride! For Sophie's party, 10 girls came her age, and one of Annie's friends joined us, as well.
Sister Love. By personality, Sophie is our more cautious, logical, and determined child, while Annie is more of our free-spirit, emotional, live-life-to-the-fullest child. I think Annie anticipated the party even more than Sophie, and relished every moment. Sophie, after the last guest had left, could only dwell on the fact that it was over for another year (while her mom, secretly rejoiced over this same fact!).
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