Did you know that Annie was born 10 days early? True. Her due date was January 7th. Quite a respectable birthdate, January 7th. Plenty far enough away from Christmas...in a month when little else is taking place. The planner in me thought I had a great month lined up to have a baby. Then God stepped in and gave her to me 10 days early (for which, at the time, I remember being REALLY grateful). Born on two cousins' birthdays (shout out to Jeremy and Elliot), no less. So I won't complain....but....
I think we parents of those born between December 21st and 31st tend to go a bit overboard on birthdays trying to make up for the fact that its so close to Christmas. Either that or it gets so consumed by the season that its lost altogether. I think next year we'll have a celebration in, say, February, and call it an "Annie's birthdate if Mommy had planned better" party. But then again, if I had "planned better", a different month would have meant a different girl and I am glad I planned so poorly!
All this is lead up to explain why there are so many pictures this month (and next) of Annie in front of cake. This was the first of several celebrations for Annie's birthday. It got way out of control. But somehow thats appropriate.
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