I'm not looking for sympathy or anything. But I don't think I've ever been sick on Christmas before. Sick before Christmas. Don't-want-to-get-out-of-bed sick. So if these recollections seem a bit on the thin side or sketchy, you'll forgive me. If you want details, ask John!
Sophie still loves red. This year she requested a Bible cover, in her favorite color. How did I ever find gifts before Amazon.com?
Annie loves HSM. I thought this microphone and Gabriella doll would be perfect for her. It was a hit, however I didn't know it only sang ONE song. Over and over. I was dreaming the words, "I've gotta say whats on my mind....I've got to move on and be who I am..."
Stuffing face with stocking stuffers. Ben doesn't get the concept of Pez yet. He just stuffed the whole pack in his mouth. Thanks Aunt Anne!
Why do little boys turn everything into guns? He never sees guns. We do not personally own a gun (toy or real, not even a water pistol). Yet he picks up the drill from his toy tool kit and begins shooting us....all the while wearing one of my Christmas gifts. When I tried to take it off him he firmly and belligerantly said. NO. MY THIS.
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