Fun with Food


Benjamin, now a fledgling Toddler, is all about doing things himself. Witness the joy and mess of an independent eater (Cheered on by big sisters out of camera view).


Unknown said...

Beth, that has got to be the most heart-warming blog on the Web! Those pictures of your kids are just too precious for words- Thank you for sharing them! Thanks, also, for the encouragement to support our fellow-pilgrims in prayer, as we are all, regardless of if we live five miles from the hospital where we were born, or as political orphans in the hinterlands. Reading somewhere about strangers, and pilgrims, and how we're never forgotten! :-)

(Hey, for the sake of us fellow-pilgrims' self-esteem, an expatriate is someone who ex patria, from the father-land. An ex-patriot is one who no longer loves or defends their country. I think, being the first, we might tend to get accused by some of being the second.)